“The only way to do great work is to love what you do." ~ Steve Jobs
Kat can help your business with SEO, CPM and ROI by measuring the traffic to your website with Google Analytics. She is a master with Google My Business helping her clients gain visibility and ranking in the google algorithm.
Ad Campaigns
With Kat's expertise in Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkden She can create engaging ad campaigns targeted to your specific audience.
Social Media
With over ten years of experience in social media marketing, Kat can help manage your business page by increasing your brand awareness.
Graphic Design
Fresh innovative writing to bring brand awareness and sell your products through informative ad copy and call to action text.
With Kat's creative & business writing abilities she can polish your website to make it shine, placing keywords within the text for more visibility along with jazzing up your business brochures, postcards & flyers.
Fresh innovative writing to bring brand awareness and sell your products through informative ad copy and call to action text.
Kat has written for and been featured on over 200 blogs. She can write your monthly or weekly blog in the tone of your business adding keywords and backlinks.
Email marketing is still one of the fastest ways to reach your audience. Kat can design, write and schedule your weekly or monthly newsletters.
Get a Quote
Interested in what PICCO PRESS can do for you? Request a quote. Kat will connect with you to learn more.